As an international e-commerce seller, it’s more than welcome for a company like Staxxer to help with VAT obligations. However, occasionally it is unclear which sellers we can assist. Therefore, we have created this overview page.
1. Where is your company located?
This is important, because we can currently only assist EU countries with VAT services. Is your company located outside the EU? Unfortunately, we cannot help you.
For illustration: Can Staxxer help your company?
- Located in The Netherlands: yes.
- Located in Spain: yes.
- Located in England: no, unfortunately.
- Located in India: no, unfortunately.
- Located in Turkey: no, unfortunately.
2. In which countries can Staxxer apply for a VAT registration?
We can apply for a VAT number for you in any country that is a member of the European Union. This only applies if you as a seller are also based in an EU country, and want to apply for a foreign, European VAT number. Are you based outside the EU? Unfortunately, we cannot help you.
The only exception is the United Kingdom. If your company is based in an EU country, then Staxxer can apply for a UK VAT number. If you are based in the UK, unfortunately, we cannot apply for VAT registrations in EU countries for you.
Some examples for illustration:
- Dutch company – German VAT number: yes.
- Belgian company – English VAT number: yes.
- Danish company – French VAT number: yes.
- English company – Dutch VAT number: no, unfortunately.
3. In which countries can Staxxer file VAT returns for me?
The same principle applies here as for VAT registrations: we can help you in any EU country, if you yourself are also based in an EU country. Are you based outside the EU? Unfortunately, we cannot do European VAT returns for you.
Also, here too, we can do UK VAT returns for you if you are based in a country that is a member of the European Union, but not the other way around.
In addition, it is important to know that Staxxer only handles cross-border declarations: unfortunately, we cannot handle the VAT returns in the country where you are registered. However, we can submit One Stop Shop declarations (OSS) to the Tax Authority in the country where your company is registered.
For illustration:
- Dutch company – Dutch VAT return: no, unfortunately.
- Dutch company – One Stop Shop return: yes.
- Italian company – Italian VAT return: no, unfortunately.
- Italian company – One Stop Shop return: yes.
- Dutch company – Belgian VAT return: yes.
- Spanish company – Indian VAT return: no, unfortunately.
- German company – Italian VAT return: yes.