VAT guide for Germany

Explore the ins and outs of VAT compliance in this guide to VAT in Germany. Get a comprehensive guide to the German VAT system and get your VAT right today. | Staxxer

VAT guide Germany

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on VAT (Value Added Tax) in Germany, tailored for e-commerce sellers in Europe looking to expand their business to the German market. Understanding the VAT system in Germany is crucial for conducting business smoothly, and in compliance with both local and EU VAT regulations. Below, you’ll find vital information on VAT rates for different categories, registration procedures, filing requirements, and other relevant details.

VAT rates in Germany

As a EU member state Germany adheres to the VAT rules of the European Union, but maintains the autonomy to set its own standard VAT rate, which must be above the EU’s minimum of 15%. When you are a VAT-registered seller in Germany, you are required to apply the correct VAT rate to your goods or services and remit this collected tax to the German tax authorities.

There is a standard rate of 19%, a reduced rate of 7%, and a zero-rate.

The primary German VAT rates are as follows:





Standard rate

This rate applies to most taxable goods and services not listed under reduced or zero rates.


Reduced VAT rate

Applicable to specific items including certain foodstuffs; water supplies; medical devices for disabled persons; specific domestic passenger transport; intra-community and international passenger transport for certain road, rail, and inland waterway transportation; books, e-books, and audiobooks (excluding harmful content to minors); newspapers and periodicals (with exceptions); admission to cultural events, sports events; social services; medical and dental care; temporary accommodation, and several agricultural and industrial products.


Zero rate

Primarily for intra-community and international transport services, excluding road and rail and certain inland waterways. Zero-rated items allow for reclaiming input VAT.


German VAT Compliance: Filings & Registrations

German VAT Number

If you are an e-commerce vendor eager to enter the German market, obtaining a German VAT registration is often your initial step. This registration is mandatory for carrying out taxable transactions in Germany.

How to register for VAT

To register for VAT in Germany, e-commerce sellers can either directly contact the German tax authorities or use the services of a tax consultant specialized in international VAT. The process typically involves the following steps:

  • Form Submission: Complete the necessary VAT registration forms provided by the German Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern or BZSt). Non-EU businesses may need to appoint a fiscal representative.

  • Documentation: Supply supporting documents, which may include business registration documents, proof of identity for business owners, and a description of the business activities.

  • Application Review: After submission, the tax office will review the application. This process could take several weeks.

  • VAT Number: Once approved, you will receive a German VAT number (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer or USt-ID-Nr.).

Where to register for VAT in Germany

The registration for VAT in Germany can be initiated through the website of the German Federal Central Tax Office.

German VAT Returns 

In Germany, VAT filings can be a complex process. You may need to submit monthly or yearly VAT returns depending on your business size and type. It’s important to be aware of the specific deadlines, exceptions, and potential fines for non-compliance or late filings. Please note: it is always mandatory to file a yearly VAT return.

In Germany, VAT is due on the 10th of the month regardless whether you submit your filings monthly or quarterly. This means your German VAT must be filed before or on the 10th of that month.

How to submit VAT filings

VAT filing in Germany must be completed periodically, typically monthly or quarterly, and submitted electronically. Here’s how:

  • Electronic Filing: VAT returns should be filed through the ELSTER portal (Elektronische Steuererklärung) – the online tax filing system managed by the German tax authorities.

  • Submission and Payment: Ensure timely submission of VAT filings and corresponding payments, as late submissions can incur penalties. Payments are typically made via bank transfer to the designated bank account of the German tax office.

  • Annual VAT Return: Besides the periodic filings, an annual VAT return might also be required, summarizing the VAT for the entire year.

Where to submit German VAT Returns

VAT filings are submitted via the ELSTER portal, found at This platform is specifically designed for tax filing purposes in Germany and is used for submitting various types of tax returns, including VAT.

Remember, while the ELSTER portal is user-friendly, navigating German tax law and the filing process can be complex, particularly for non-German speakers. It’s crucial to ensure that all information is accurate and that filings are completed on time. Many e-commerce businesses opt for the expertise of a tax advisor or a VAT compliance service provider to manage their VAT obligations in Germany.

VAT Fines in Germany

VAT-related fines in Germany can be severe and arise from late filings, incorrect filings, or failure to register. Compliance is critical to avoid these financial penalties.

In Germany, the specifics of VAT-related fines can vary depending on the nature of the violation. The German tax authorities can impose fines for non-compliance with VAT registration, filing, and payment requirements. While the specific maximum fine amounts can be subject to change and depend on individual cases, the following general principles typically apply:

Infraction Type

Penalty Description

Fine Amount / Penalty

Late Filing

Failure to file VAT return on time

Up to 10% of the tax due, max €25,000

Late Payment

Delayed payment of VAT due

1% of the tax due for each month overdue


Incorrect VAT filing due to negligence

Up to 10% of the understated tax, max €50,000

Tax Evasion

Intentional underreporting or non-payment

Fines based on the offense, up to the total amount of evaded tax; can also lead to prison sentences of up to 5 years

Record Keeping Violations

Inadequate maintenance of records for ten years

Fines are case-specific


Note: These values are indicative based on previous regulations and may have changed; it’s essential to consult current resources or a tax professional for the latest information.

Threshold for VAT registration

Different VAT thresholds are applicable in Germany:

  • For domestic sellers, registration for VAT is mandatory once sales exceed €22,000 in a calendar year.

  • E-commerce sellers from other EU countries must register for VAT in Germany if their sales exceed €100,000 in the calendar year.

Please note that these figures are subject to change and it is advisable to consult with a tax advisor or the German Federal Central Tax Office for current thresholds and tax regulations.

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Any questions?

Do you have inventory stored abroad because you sell through Amazon FBA, for example, or use a European fulfillment center? Then you need an European VAT registration in that country! Save yourself the paperwork and let us apply for your VAT registration.

Where can I use the VAT registration?

You can use the VAT number for any business purpose. For example, when selling through Amazon,, Shopify or another platform. The number is also valid if you are going to do business locally that requires a European VAT number.

If you have a VAT registration abroad, you will also have to file VAT returns there. How often and when to do so, depends on the country. It can be monthly, or quarterly.

We understand that you don’t feel like doing all the VAT administration. So leave it to us: link your sales accounts to Staxcloud, so we can always accurately file your European VAT return. Then you won’t spend any more time on VAT returns.

July 1, 2021, the One Stop Shop went into effect, also known as the One-Stop Shop system. Do you sell more than €10,000.- across borders every year? Through this new regulation, you declare your VAT of all the countries in which you do business at once. If you have all your stock in your country of residence, you no longer need a VAT number in those other countries. In the One Stop Shop declaration, you declare every cross-border sale within the EU.

That involves quite a bit of math. Especially if you sell through multiple platforms! We’ve come up with something on that: you can link all your sales channels (Amazon,, Shopify and more) to Staxcloud. This way you always have all your VAT data at hand, and within 5 minutes you have your One Stop Shop declaration arranged. Staxcloud does the calculations, and our Staxxers handle the declaration further. Handy right?

A tariff is a tax on imported goods, and the tariff number, also called a tariff code or HS code, gives customs officials more information about what kind of item is being imported. The standard code is a six-digit number, but some countries have codes of 8 or 10 digits.

Table of contents
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Dealing with VAT

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Vat consult for e-commerce

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Janine Bouwmeester

VAT consultant