Was ist eine WEEE-Nummer und wie erhalte ich sie?


In pursuit of sustainability and environmental protection, both Germany and France have introduced strict regulations around electronic and electrical equipment(EEE). These rules are based on the European Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive, which requires manufacturers, importers, and distributors of EEE to take responsibility for the collection and treatment of discarded equipment.

Entrepreneurs operating in these sectors in Germany and France must therefore comply with specific registration requirements, including having a WEEE number. In this article, we tell you how WEEE is set up in Germany and France, and how to register for WEEE/ElectroG in both Germany and France.

WEEE registration in Germany (ElektroG)

In Germany, implementation of the WEEE Directive is governed by the Elektro- und Elektronikgerätegesetz (ElektroG). This law requires all producers or importers of electrical and electronic equipment to register with the national register, managed by the Stiftung Elektro-Altgeräte Register (StEAR). The registration process includes obtaining a WEEE number, which is essential for legally marketing your products in Germany.

To register, a business owner must first determine if their products are covered by the ElektroG. They must then register with the EAR system, providing detailed information about their business and the products offered. This includes the type of equipment, the quantities expected to be placed on the German market, and plans for waste collection and recycling. After successful registration, business owners receive a WEEE registration number, which allows products to be sold legally.

WEEE registration in France

In France, WEEE registration is managed by several recognized organizations, depending on the type of electronic equipment. One of the main registration and compliance organizations is Éco-systèmes, which is responsible for most consumer electronics. As in Germany, entrepreneurs wishing to place electrical and electronic devices on the French market must register and obtain a WEEE number.

The process in France requires companies to first identify themselves to one of the recognized organizations and provide relevant documentation about their company and products. This may include providing evidence of an existing waste management plan and financial guarantees for the recycling and treatment of end-of-life products. After verification by the organization, the company receives a WEEE registration number.


How do you register for a WEEE number?

For both countries, the first step to compliance is understanding the specific requirements and procedures. These are the general steps you can follow to register a WEEE number:

  1. Identify the competent authority or organization: for Germany this is the Stiftung EAR; in France it may be Éco-systèmes or other recognized organizations.
  2. Assess yourproducts: determine which of your products fall under WEEE regulations.
  3. Gather necessary information: this usually includes general company information, product details, and waste management plans.
  4. Submit your application: complete the registration process online through the website of the competent authority or organization. Submit documentation and, in some cases, pay a fee.
  5. Receive your WEEE Number: upon approval, you will receive your registration number, which allows you to legally distribute your products.


Compliance with the WEEE directives in Germany and France is an important step for entrepreneurs marketing electrical and electronic equipment in these countries. By following these guidelines, companies not only help protect the environment, but also ensure compliance with local laws, significantly reducing the risk of fines and legal complications.

The registration process can be time-consuming and requires thorough preparation, but it is a necessary investment in the sustainable future of your business.

Need help registering a WEEE number?

We fully understand that it can be quite time consuming to figure out everything around EPR and WEEE. That’s why we are happy to help! In a demo, you can put all your questions about EPR, WEEE, ElektroG and even European VAT. Then you’ll also get free advice, tailored entirely to your organization.

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